"hitotu" No.6 English guide
[3] Prologue
-We have something memories by impressed.
That is ture our life.
I think that is important for Manga than
-I recall that it's fun to write Manga thruogh
book "hitotu".
-Thank you very much for your attention.
And please enjoy these "hitotu"
[4,5] Contents
[6] Flower side "Flower for You" ==================================
[7] Paederia by Roba
She was tiny and cute and standing there
all the time.
Nobody noticed her. Nobody liked her - Except
"You like her, don't you?" "She
[8] "Do you know her name?" "She
is called - "
"I don't like her!" I don't want
to hear it!
That name...
Everybody hate her. ...except me...
[9] After school
"Do you know where that -" "Oh,
that one?"
"I threw it away. Because it stinks."
Yes, I liked her. I liked ..only liked that
cute and tiny one.
[10]Several years later-. "Hi, are you
visiting your family?"
That tiny and cute one was also tough.
stink vine(Peered scandens)
A vine which grows anywhere.
That stem twines counterclockwise.
The name was given because it smells when
it is picked.
The flower looks like a tube.
The color is white and purple inside.
[11] - A last day of winter
"What's wrong? stop crying. OK? "
I didn't know what to do and I was just looking
at snow falling on her
She was my cousin and seven years old than
I. That was my first love.
Sunflower by Hiroki
[12] "Hi" "Long time no see!
How have you been?"
"You've become tall!" ...who? She
"Hiro, come and have a seat. Have some
"You look different. We have not seen
you for 6 years, have you?" ..she is
"6 years?"
"Yes, since my parent got divorced."
"Remember her? Your cousin, Kaya, used
to live our next door."
It is none other...
I DO remember her!! ...but so surprised
"Ha,ha...You are surprised!!"
[13] "My father is getting married again."
- I heard later
that Kaya's parents decided to get divorce
on that day.
"His new partner is a nice woman, and
he wants to meet her.
But you know, I live with my mother now.
So we get nervous."
How can I call her? Mom? Ma'am?"
"I learned from my parents that there
was well-matched. I didn't know
it 6 years ago.
I'm relieved that may father finds a well-matched
- Hey, Kaya! You've changed so much!
[14] "To tell you the truth, Hiro cheered
me up 6 years ago when I was
shocked by my parents ' divorce. It was so
nice "
My first loved woman never be talkative like
"I didn't know that."
"Didn't you? I knew Hiro was not a person
to chatter."
-Oh, no! My first love has finished just
"Oh, it's time to take a bus."
"Take some sunflowers with you. Come
and visit us sometime, OK?"
"Thank you. I love you."
"Hiro, take her to the bus stop!"
[15] "Hey Hiro..., are you angry or
"Have you kept IT a matter secret for
me? ...Sorry-"
-NO! NO! That was MY secret.
-Well, I'm afraid Kaya can't understand my
"Yes, you did really encourage me that
I thought you didn't remember that day.
... That was really nice for me."
[16] "It has changed a lot around here.
It's no wonder. 6 years have passed."
"6 years-"
-Kaya, Do you have sad things and cry alone
like that day?
-Still now ..all alone... ?
"Oh, here comes the bus. See you!"
[17] "See you" She ...my first
love ...said and smiled like sunflower.
[18] Farewell Summer by Sono Katuragi
It was a short cut to the school to go through
this big park.
2 weeks have passed since a new term started.
It's still humid every day, but we can hear
the crazy cicadas' singing
with chirps of crickets.
"It's so hot like a hell."
"Yeah, it is."
Ei quit the track and field club this summer,
because he can't run
He was an ace.
[19] After Ei found a dead cicada at his
feet, he stepped on it.
I tried to tell him to stop it many times.
Stagnated heat with a bad grace.
We keep walking in silence.
[20] Snow by Sono Katuragi
The sky was holding back not to drop a piece.
But as soon as I decided, "I'll tell
him", it started to drop large snowfalls.
It is snowing, snowing.
[21] Finally it makes me stop. ...I shouldn't
tell him.
I should keep it in mind all my life.
[23] On The Way Home by Naoto Akimoto
"Kizu" "Yoshizawa"
[24] "Is your home this way?"
"I heard you are going to Takayama high
"Yeah, it's true.
To analyze from my achievement test, it's
only 50% to pass the entrance
exam to Yamanaka high school.
I'm not the kind of man to take a risk."
"You still have time. Students of Takayama
are lowbred and I often hear
bad reports."
[25] "I've made up my mind.
You will go to Yamanaka high school, won't
you? I know you always
take a high rank in achievement tests. You
will be OK.
Let's do our best each other."
"I'll go this way. Bye."
[26] ...
[27] "Oh, this is a dear old nice song."
"Is it?"
BGM by Mizuki Kawana
[28] "I don't think so."
"I like his voice." "He is
a poor singer. Just sing in a wheedling tone.
Stupid ballade.
Hey, you don't have to turn it off."
[29] "Just say, "I think so."
that makes me feel good.
You are such a dull person. I hate you!"
"Hate me?"
"Hate you, hate you, hate you."
"OK, I don't care. I like you, Sakurako."
"Really?" "Yeah."
"Which part? Which part?"
"...What a long boring song!!
I like that your face doesn't match with
your character."
[30] The song goes at the back of this silly
My hidden feeling behind it.
"Give me some coffee after we get home."
"Sorry, there is only cocoa." "Oh
"Don't mind. 'Cause it's not so sweet
as this music."
I just want to hear our voice, have a conversation
with you.
...But I never gonna tell you this.
[31] Kuonn by Kaori Turuhara
Spring, Spring, Flower, Flower, Repetition
[32] Flower, Flower, People, People, Repetition
Repeat it, But it's not the same.
[33] ...The wind from mountain blows the
cherry blossoms ...
[34] It's so darling that very momentc
[35] The Flower Blooms In Spring by Mariko
"My darling has gone this winter.
He was looking forward to seeing me.
But I couldn't make my flower bloom.
and this spring...
I couldn't do nothing, but my body starts
to have buds..."
[36] "Come on. Come on. Spring has come."
"...What for? He is not here any more...
"but still time flows. Snow changes
into water and moistens you.
The light of the sun wakes your life up."
"Leave me alone. Let me sleep as I do."
[37] "Come on. Come on. Still time flows.
..Time flows."
"...So look up"
"Hey, you are the only one who can bloom
your flower."
[38] "They bloom this year at last."
You are not alone...
[39] Spring Has Come by BiiBaa Hime
"Fujii! Fujii!"
"Temi? Long time no see." "Long
time no see. Are you going home?"
"Working? It's so late."
"Yeah. A man entered our company and
we had dinner with him."
"Do you still draw Manga?" "Yes."
"I still have a picture you gave me
on my birthday."
"Really? Throw it away!" "I
liked it a lot."
[40] "Are you taking a bus?"
"No, I'll take a taxi today."
I'm going to get married on 5th."
[41] "On 5th? This month?" "Yes.
March 5th"
"With who? A man you told me before?"
"Congratulations! Have a happy marriage!"
"Thank you."
- "Do you draw Manga? Draw me in your
[42] "She looks alike me. What's her
"Um... Take the top and the bottom from
your name,
Tejima Mami,..."Temi" "
"Wow! I'll take this for my nickname."
"Temi" "Temi"
"I'm so glad. I'm happy for you"
[44] Wind side "in the wind" ============================================
[45] Template of Oriental Poppy by Akatuki Ao
...the red is glimmer. ...the red is a message.
In response to it.
The god of mountain blows the fire and gives
a lot of blessing to a prairie.
Oriental Poppy ...flower of fire.
"Talaru mountain gives out smoke."
"We can see a stream of lava and a spark
if we get to the top."
"Can we? We must see it."
"Our father and uncles went there when
they are our age."
"The road ends." "We have
to walk from here."
[46] "Watch your steps. These are ashes.
There are rocks and a block of lava in the
"Oops" "Lu! Are you all right?"
"The road is covered with rocks this
time." "Rocks are hot."
"They are lava."
[47] "Our footprints are red."
"Of course. There are hot stream of
under this black caked lava."
"Fantastic." "Let's have a
look from the top of this rock."
"I can feel a peal of thunder beneath
my feet. Great. It's full of power."
"That's great I feel like a fireball."
"Oh." "It's time to go."
"That's good. Going down on ashes is
"It took one hour, but now only 10 minutes."
[48] "Somebody is standing by the horse."
"Hi uncle Anty." "Roto..."
"It's thoughtless" "You went
there too, Anty."
"I was 15 and Oty was 18, when we went
to see Talaru. You are 14 and
Lu is only 13." "We renew the record!"
"Let's have a race!" "OK.
I'm gonna win." "Hey, wait!"
Even though that wind and sand take away
the smell of smoke and
sulfur left on their hair and clothes,
speeding horses kick about red flowers of
Oriental Poppy and they
change into red footprints, and the red impression
remain their memory
on the way home.
The flower language of Oriental Poppy is
... fascinating adventure.
[49] Starscape Navigator by Masahiro Nakamura
Stars change their glitter into the guide
to the earth exceed distance
and time.
[50] About 10 thousand ago. The glitter of
stars isn't realities which can get
by hands.
[51] It look like the guide to the place
where hold the soul in common.
[52] "Hey!" "Am I coming back?"
"Your soul flew to the past again, didn't
it? This, I admit, is your Power"
[53] "This is my turn to invite people
to time slip."
My special ability led to make Subspace-Traveling-Gate.
I hope you will be the Starscape Navigator...
[54] Thinking deeply is troublesome.
"You know, there will be an interview
for course advice."
...The skin is peeling.
"Yeah, I know."
Painful Daily Life by Yuri Matuzaki
...Take it off.
"It's too early to think about my course."
"May be they will ask you
going on to college or getting a job."
"May be I'll find a job. I don't like
to study." "I haven't decided yet.
about you, Nozomi?"
[55] "I don't know, either. " ...I've
never thought about it.
"Strong wind!"
"What a nuisance long hair!" "Yeah."
"You have kept your hair short
for a long time. Don't you let your hair
"No, I don't like it. I like easy."
...But I have a lot of things to think about.
"Which do you think more profitable,
going to college or getting a job?"
"It's different by the person. It's
only waste of time to think."
"Everything is up to you." "Ha.."
"It hurts too much."
[56] "Have you ever thought that "I
should have done" ?"
Regret by SHIKI
"What? No, I haven't" "I see."
"How about you?"
[57] ...."Two men ask me to go out at
same time. What shall I do?"
"Hey! Tell me."
"It's a secret."
[58] Lemon Grass by Kikuno
One day I had the dream of the meadow where
a lot of melon grasses
had grown up.
I obtained and grew one lemon grass.
I gave one lemon grass to the person who
had come from a far country.
The time of several years passed.
She called me in the river, and showed me
the meadow.
The meadow was meadow which I had seen in
the dream before.
[61] Shanghai
Encounter, Memory of Star 3; Shanghai 1928 by Ryouko Tai
[62] "Oh, no.." ..."You can't
count on me all the time!"
..."You have to deal with the problem
by yourself this time! You must
finish in the course of Monday. OK?"
Everyone is not in this office, excluding
[63] "Oh, lunch time!"
"Hello, Kojoro- restaurant? Can you
deliver fries of crab and shrimp, ... "
"Are you a manager?" "Yeah,
but today is closed because of Monday.."
"I need a job. I can sleep with you."
[64] "What?"
"Hey, wait! Are you kidding?" "I
said I need a job! I need money!"
"I eloped with my boyfriend but he has
gone somewhere for 2 weeks.
I can't understand Chinese language, have
no friends, can't go to a
consulate, but I have to pay hotel charges..."
[65] "So did someone tell you that I
love women and I give you a job if you
sleep with me?"
"A rumor is getting abroad... So, what
do you want to do?"
"I Do anything."
"No, stupid! It's out of my way to let
a young lady do cleaning and dish
washing. There are a lot of ways for women
to fall low in this city.
If you want to, do it after you blunder here!
Did you really come to
Shanghai only for a man?"
"Song... and dance. I used to take ballet
"Show me some."
[66] "Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes
are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain
The summer's gone, and all the roses falling
'Tis you, 'tis you must go, and I must bide.
...Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you
[67] "A new singer, right? Bravo, bravo!
It was great!
I brought some food for you. They are my
treat. And there are for the
new singer.
I'm so glad to hear your song. Eat all of
these. I'm sure you will be a
great star."
[68] "OK, I will hire you. But before
that, show your dance to a production
department tomorrow. Let me know your size
of shoes and dress.
Costume department will prepare them for
you. I will give you some
money now for an allow. I will find a place
to live after you pay your
hotel charges, so let more know your conditions.
I'll deduct the rent
from your salary ...
[69] -"A great star..
I will be punished by Heaven if I play a
nasty trick on her."
[70] Moon side "in the Moon Light" ==========================================
[71] A Reminiscent Talk by Yumiko Shirai
My granduncle who was suffered from many
illness but never in bed
died. He was 94. About 30 years had passed
since he retired, and
most of his friends had passed away.
It was a simple funeral.
"I heard you visited him." "Yes,
he looked great. I had a good time to
hear his childhood's story."
"Oh, what kind of story?" "Well,
sandlot baseball..."
I had only pleasant impression. I noticed
that details of the story was
A memory which has gone away forever ...
[72] "Uncle!"
"Let me hear your story of sandlot baseball
one more time!
Say..., there war no outfit and you substituted
something for them.
What did you say? And also..."
"Oh, you couldn't have come at a better
I've got something to ask you.
Which school won the high school baseball
Let me see...., Kiryu Daiichi high school,
I guess."
"Oh, Okayama high school lost the game.
I understand that the batters of Kiryu play
[73] "Now I feel good. Thank you."
"Hey, wait a minute, uncle! The story
you told me the other day...
The one you haven't told anyone.
Tell me, otherwise... Uncle..."
[74] My granduncle was a baseball fan. I
heard later that he had kept a list
of tournament on the day before his death.
My great uncle EXISTS here.
His earliest days also exist with him.
I'm sure it.
[75] Cat and Me by Hisuiroukann
She and the cat thinking about meaning our
[79] Letter of Isolated Island by TOMORO
She is alone in the isolated island.
She is looking forward to the letter every
The letter is so dear and sweet.
Then she recalled she is old, and wanted
to meet again to him.
[83]Milky Way by Nakaya Yorube
You were good man.
You called me your town and lived together.
But The old town didn't congratulate us.
I ran away because I was so lonely in that
Tonight is the Milky Way festival.
I can't forget him. Someday I want to meet
him again.
But I want to live for a while here alone.
[93]Sleeping Beauty by Akiko Shimosato
I love my aunt Yuri.
One day she started sleep for a long time.
She may not wake up again.
... Prince may wake up her after hundred
[100]Discovery by Miyuki Fuyuno
She started the separation talk.
The reason is that the life only of waiting
for him becomes disgusted.
He spoke that he recalled her every day in
the arena of warfare.
She decided to find his weak part, and permit
Because the war ended.
[104] Coffee Break ========================================================
[105]Surfing On Sine Waves by Kousei Nakai
[118]Haniwa and Soap bubble by ManokoSakana
[120] I noticed lately.
When there is a vacant seat in the train
but nobody sits there, a small
angel is there and enjoys looking outside.
A Rumer of Angel by Wakako Iida
As soon as she gets off, the seat is occupied.
[121] And the hollow your nose, that is...
when you came into the world, an angel came.
Not to remember the secret of your former
life, she said "hush..."
that is her finger print.
To begin a new life, an angel cast a spell
on you.
That is the trace of it.
"You have it.. "
[122] Heaven Can't Wait by Yoshimi Nakase
"Please someone take care of the earth."
[124] Bird side "I'm Looking Blue Bird" ====================================
[125] A Thing I Can't Find Out by Hidemi Kose
I'm always looking for "true love"
and "eternal love".
Everybody denies it. But I know.
[126] It's not tender words. It's not sweets
kiss. It's not passionate SEX.
It's not money. It's not promise. It's not
[127] It's not because I'm lonely. It's not
because I'm not satisfied.
It's not because I want to be healed. It's
not because I want to depend on.
I'm always dreaming that I go crazy to think
about you.
[128] Just like them... "Koutaro &
Chieko" in novel.
With eyes which see only you. With ears which
hear only your voice.
With rips which call only your name. With
heart which make sympathize
only with you.
[129] It is unhappy, but at the same time
it may be one of "from of love"
I will run the beach calling your name and
my name.
I will run with lighter steps than birds.
I will run with free heart than anyone.
I exceed people's existence.
I will entrust all my life to you.
[130] Somewhere... Is there someone who loves
me that much?
Somewhere... Is there someone whom I love
that much?
Is it JUST because I haven't found him yet?
[131] Young Birds Migrating Season by Tubameromann
"Good bye, Miss Rui" "See
you tomorrow. Be careful on the way home."
"Look. It's Miss Rui's turn today."
[132] "Sigh.." "Miss Rui,
you look pensive."
"Oh, I'm just thinking that you are
going t graduate soon."
"You must be deeply moved because we
are your first students. Right?"
"Yeah, may be." "Why did you
come to this school?"
[133] "cWhy? Because it was an appointment
from prefecture."
"I heard you are from Tokyo. Why did
you take an interview of our
prefecture?" "By accident. I didn't
know why."
"really? I heard you follower your boyfriend
who had gone to his
hometown." "What? Who told you
such a thing?"
"Isn't it true?" "No way!"
"Look, it's time to go home. I'm closing
the gate."
"OK. See you tomorrow." "See
you. Do your homework, OK?"
"Hey, we are not school children."
[134] So obedient students than I expected...
Though I lost some things in this three years,
I feel like being on the
straight to come face to face with students
But students will leave this paradise.
What does this place mean to me? I had no
connection with this place till
I arrived here as a teacher. I exist only
as "a teacher" here.
"I envy you."
[135] "I graduated from that school
and there are many teachers and
students I knew from my childhood.
But I'm just a fisherman's daughter not a
"Well... yes, but I still feel like
going a stranger here ...
I don't think people in this town is exclusive,
"There will you marry a man in this
town and live here?"
"To tell you the truth, I was asked
to introduce you."
"I don't think there is a suitable man
to you in this town, Miss Rui."
"Oh, are you helping?" "Yes,
because I noticed you two.
"Call me "Miss"."
[136] "You ARE my cousin."
"You are going to a letter of recommendation.
I know you studied hard.
You deserve it."
"You have a boyfriend from your childhood,
don't you?"
"Yeah. He will go to a university in
"Oh, no. You will get separated. You
must be anxious about him."
"No, I will break off all relations
with him once."
Students will step forward like this.
[137] "Will you come back?"
"Nobody knows. I don't know what are
there outside this town, who will
be waiting or there will be nothing. So I'll
go to find it."
I also know nothing about this town...
[139] A Boat by Setu Tobiyama
There may be no truth where there is no desire.
"Oh. Grand pa." "What?"
[140] "Leave him alone."
"Do you like that boat?"
[141] "Oh, is this yours? Can you rent
it to me? How much?"
"You don't need money. If you can move
it, you can take it."
"What? Do I have to buy it? Is it up
to me? Hey, wait a minute!"
[142] "The engine doesn't work. Is something
wrong? How about fuel?"
"It's full. All you need is to fill
it with your desire."
"What did you say?" "If you
desire deeply, it will move." "Oh,
it's easy"
[143] "Hey you, how long are you going
to stay there?
You always sit there and think about another
Does it mean your desire toward this harbor
is that much?"
[144] "You know your real harbor, don't
"No.. but I can put out to sea from
"Yes, You can go from here to the sea
where you want to go.
The sea is connected to everywhere."
[145] "Though it's connected out at
sea, it takes years to put out a deep
place. Do you love the sea? Are you going
to get along in this harbor?"
"What is love?.."
"I'm sure there is another harbor which
weigh upon our mind."
"Yes, there is. But I don't love it."
"If it's on your mind, go there."
"You will see if you go there. You are
a lucky guy. Get out of here!"
"Grand pa."
[146] "It's lunch time. Can I give this
soup to him?"
"Sure. You should go home after you
eat it."
"Do you know what is there in the middle
of the sea?"
"I have no idea. Do you know it?"
"Well... harbor? I don't know."
To the starting point.
[147] When Love Will Achieve by monoKuro
[148] I wonder when this love will achieve.
The time when we met?
[149] The time when we changed rings?
The time when we ate an apple in Eden?
[150] Or the day when I felt a small life?
No, no, It's something different.
[151] For example, from these fingertips,
from the joined lips,
from the joined cheeks,...
If we could melt, ... and if "You"
and "I" could become "YOU
[152] Oh, it must be ...
It must be the time when this love will achieve.
[153] Watermelon by Maki
"How about your flight time?"
[154] "Oh,... What time is it?"
"It's half past three." "I
have to go now..."
"Have some watermelon?" "Well."
"Did you offer incense sticks to the
altar?" "Yes, I did."
"Oh, this watermelon is so sweet."
"I got it from my neighbor. There are
some more. Would you like to take
it home?" "No thank you. 'Cause
it's heavy."
[155] "Mom." "What?"
"Are you all right by yourself?"
"Of course. I've been by myself for
eight years."
"Does brother come home?" "Sometime,
but not like you."
"Really? He lives near here, doesn't
[156] "He must be busy because he is
married. By the way, you have to bring
your fiance with you when you come next time."
"Oh, no... I don't have a fiance."
"Don't you? That's too bad."
"Don't worry about me. I'm going."
"OK, OK."
"Will you come home in the New Year's
holidays?" "Yes, I will."
[157] "Take care." "OK. Bye-by."
Come home...? I say "come home"
when I go to Tokyo and
Kumamoto. To where do I really come?
[158] "Hello? Oh, Uh-huh. What's wrong?
Oh, you come to the airport to
pick me up? Next time? I'll come home in
the New Year's holidays.
Why? Together? You mean .... Let's get married.
Oh, OK. I'm so glad.
Wait a minute. Shall I go back home and tell
it to my mom now?
No? come on. I want to. She must be so happy
because she just
mentioned me about it."
[159] Now we are here where we never recall
the things about the time
when we couldn't imagine myself ten years
hence while thinking deeply about next year.
I Don't Know Where It Has Gone -the latter part by Jun Nishizaka
[160] "You know, it's a opera house.
It's gonna be an IMPOSING..."
"Oh, no. What a designer!" "Just
like the Shanghai golden age."
"Mr. Wako."
[161] "It took long time to finish the
"Yeah, it's hard to draw as I think."
"Mr. Wako, please finish the lay out
picture for a just soon."
"Hey you, Tenbo." "Yes?"
[162] "Turn left at that one."
"That one?" "You see. That
"It's about 100 miles away." "Why
don't we go?" "Today is closing..."
"Don't write with a red pen on my textbook
which you borrowed. You
know on page 58."
[163] "It's an important part. You should
remember it." "What? Will it be
asked in an exam?"
"How is your tuning, Miss Mukaino?"
"It's ridiculous to sing a chorus Tanka
...Japanese poem. "
"It's doesn't make sense if you make
pauses in short sound."
[164] "Look. You checked here in different
"Well... I used to think that if I felt
the same way with the poem that old
people composed, it was wonderful to sing
and leave the feelings."
"You are so cute." "Don't
cry. The rehearsal will soon begin."
Wherever you and I are. No matter which world
or which star you go,
there is no distance, time and problem which
make sense.
"Good job, Tenbo! Go under the cloud
this time." "Roger."
[165] I deeply appreciate to meet you who
I can call "I'm here" with
friendship and yearning.
If there is one thing weighs on my mind,
that is ...
[166] That is one question where our thoughts
at that time have gone.
I never know the answer.
[167] Have you found it?
[168] The Thing to connect by Gojyo Takeda
"hitotu" No.6 English guide: Translated
by Mayumi Kawabata
Edited by Naoto Akimoto/ Yumiko Shirai